Right now, the working class of this community, of this state, and of this country, are being attacked and abused in one way or another.
This society has forgotten the vast differences between acceptance and tolerance. We need not forget, how hard our parents worked, our grandparents, and of course, the people before them, who had laid the foundation in place, to make life better for generations to come. There were certain morals and values that were instilled in us, that are now under attack. The family unit, which is, and always will be, the core of any society, has been manipulated and even destroyed, by outside influences that can be overwhelming, giving us a feeling of hopelessness. I, myself, am dealing with these outside influences, that are affectng my family in ways that only a "Spiritual Awakening", can have any influence in redirecting them at this juncture. But,they are not alone. There are many confused and lost souls seeking guidence for their precarious state of mind. I've learned, that having some type of spirituality makes a difference. As the "Hunter and Provider", of the Family, it is very important never to give up on the people you love and care about, even if their energy is being diverted elsewhere. If there is any balance in your life, you begin to understand there are people, especially the ones who are closest to you, that have forgotten, or never really understood the reason we were put here in the first place. To see the "Light", you must first understand yourself, and then, and only then, will you begin to realize what is important in life. In this delusional society of ours, it's too bad people must be "humbled" first, to understand, that hatred and resentment causes nothing but destruction. But, when we put our trust in other people, who, we think are looking out for our best interest's, and then we find out that we are being manipulated, used and abused, it's time for major changes.
It's not to late... if you take a deep breath, and say to yourself, do I really need to tolerate this? Do I really need these outside influences interfering with my livelihood?
Of course you don't. Stop pitying yourself and take action! Garner the strength and the ability of whatever it takes to make the changes that are needed. But it won't be easy. The "Power Brokers", as I call them, are doing everything possible to make sure the strings of their "Corporate Puppets" (certain politicians) are not severed. These Power Brokers, or "Big Money", have conditioned us to believe we are powerless in deciding our own destiny.
We as a rightous people can make it happen, but it's up to you, as an individual first, to rally friends and neighbors in making these necessary changes। Right now, the economy is headed for disaster, and I believe the worse is yet to come, but this will occur "after" the elections। The Feds are still pumping liquidity (dollars), on the open market, the very thing that created these problems we're in right now. The foreclosures in this country are monumental, and this is at a time when we are payng record gas prices, record food prices, massive government and consumer debt. One of the largest brokerage firms (Bear Sterns) in the country would have gone under, if not bailed out by the Fed. One of the largest banks in this country goes under, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are nearly insolvent, and the list goes on, and will continue. People, this will not be your typical down cycle, there is much more suffering ahead. The next shoe to drop will be "The Pay Option Arm Mortgages", which will adjust this Fall. Watch what happens when these kick in. The "Realestate Market" is headed lower folks, and the "Power Brokers" do not want any part of your suffering, that is why they control the "Corporate Puppets" for their own needs, no other reasons. Also, keep a watchful eye on the dollar, gold, and now the bank stocks. These are very good indicators of where this economy is headed. As someone who had retired at 40 and lost just about everything at 50, I left my guard down and let "other people" control my destiny, and that, inevitably put me in my current situation. I know what I'm talking about, please, do not make the same mistake.
As a candidate, I will donate my salary to any organization that is affiliated with underprivilaged kids, that's how passionate I am about this. I'm not going to fix everything, some things at this point cannot be fixed, but I will tell you this, I have no problem taking on and exposing the "master manipulators", who have and are creating this abuse. If you want someone who will work diligently for you, the working class, I promise, I'm the person for the job.
Don't kid yourself, we are now living in an age of "lies and deceit", and the "Power Brokers", are doing everything possible to continue their abusive ways. Let me say, they are not immune to what is happening with the economy, it will only take them a little longer to realize it. If you view yourself as one of the working class, use good judgement when making your decisions, it's right in front of you, of what is expected. History proves what happens if "nothing" is done. Do a little research on the great civilizations throughout time. What led to their demise? Are we headed in the same direction? That's the question only "you" can answer. Walshie
Finally have some time to update Blog. Well, we now know Doc Renuart is the Republican Candidate I will be facing in Nov. Congratulations Doc, for your victory over, you know who ? I want people to know, I have nothing against Doc and the Dem. Candidate, Dave Smith, they are both good people. The problem I have is the (2) Party System. As an Independent, I answer only to the people, again without a salary, perks, and NO special interest. My friends running against me, cannot do that, they answer to the Party, that's a fact. My solutions involve everyone, their solutions involve only specific powers within the Party they represent. That makes a big difference, especially where the economy is headed. As I stated months ago, the economy should be the number one priorty. Without money, essential programs cannot be funded. Also, as I stated months ago here on the blog, at political forums, and on the radio, the financial crises is beginning to unfold. Once again people, the worse is yet to come, after the elections. The Fed is desperately trying to keep the economy afloat, but it's to late, and it's been to late. This will NOT be your typical down cycle (recession). The "Speculators" have jumped ship in the commodities pit for instance, bringing oil down $55 a barrel in two months, just shows how the markets are manipulated, something I explained in past forums months ago. The working people need to be educated to what is really going on with the economy, and I will do that. My counter-parts have no idea where this financial crises is headed. They get their information from the "Power Brokers" in their respected Party, the same people that created this mess were in right now. Don't be fooled by what the (2) Party's are telling you, it will be business as usual, I promise you. I will keep you informed about the economy.
The other major issue we need to focus on, is the abuse of Government Officials. They are doing their very best to keep things the way they are, but realize there is a movement now in place, to make drastic changes in the overall Governmental System. Of course they do not want this, but they will have no choice, the movemnet for change is to powerful. One such Governmental Enity, is the Legal System. This has got to be one of the most abusive, political, bias, and prejudice branches of Government, that is destroying not only "American Democracy", but the "American Family". This repulsive disease that is spreading among Lawyers and Judges, has created a Legal System that now obstructs Justice. Even the good Lawyers and Judges realize this, and are fighting back, to rid out these "unscrupulous individuals", and consequences for this type of behavior, must be implemented. There are many, many people I've talked to, who are or have, suffered the abusiveness of these individuals, but I have solutions. These to, will be explained very soon. I will be updating more often since election time is around the corner....have a good one !mailto:!walshie50@gmail.com
hey walshie:
Right on. You've touched upon and it wld. seem thru your own life experience issues and concerns that a while lot of regular people struggling to make things better for their families and themselves are dealing with right now.
Without overemphasizing your self or your own personal needs overmuch. This is good and I think it would be exciting to see what you could accomplish if elected. you should get your chance and the more voting public that sees and hears what your up to the more I believe your success should be garunteed. Keep the faith!
You are speaking of family values, pride and leadership. Those three make up the fundimentals of our society. Our society has accepted deceptive behaviour as the norm with no consequences of our behaviour. If we as a society can not teach our children of the consiquences of bad decision making then what guildlines have we provided our children to live by? We need to remove this "I Got Mine" mentality and get back to the past family values were we cared about our neighbors, friends and society in general and not just the special interest group we associate ourselves with. We are Americans with freedoms and with those freedoms are responsibilities to teach and educate our children to make it a better place to live not the "I Got Mine" mentality that has become the norm of our American society.
Your supporter Ash
Dan, sounds good, when are you coming to Pa?
Yes, we are being set up right now. people better understand what you are trying to tell them, if they don't already know. We need to spread the word.
c'mon....u caint dunk no basketball...i'm the same age as you and USED to be able to dunk(i have video) so c'mon..me and you, one on one, 50 bucks, make it take it to ten, win by 2
mike savage
Mike, ask anyone at the beach who I am, they all know me, in fact they call me Little Doc, have a good one dude..walshie
I noticed you are also your own campaign treasurer. Why is that? Normally the candidate keeps a distance from donations and they are administered by a treasurer for accountability purposes.
You nobly state you will donate your salary to any organization that is affiliated with underprivilaged kids. May I suggest you follow the example of our former wonderful congressman Charlie Bennett and simply not take the salary?
You list your occupation as student. I see no disclosure of income--by what means do you support your family?
Lastly I am puzzled over your choice of shirtless photos-- with all due respect if you feel that is an appropriate way to present yourself now, as candidate, what are we expect from the elected official? (it was TMI for me)
Good to hear from you. I refused a salary, but was told I must accept one. So I will donate my salary to the Beaches Boys and Girls Club. Also, I am suing a very very abusive lawyer here at the beach. One third of that money when I win, will go to the beaches boys and Girls Club. Perjury by an attorney is a mortal sin. As for being the Treas, if you do your homework, you will notice many npa and dems/rep candidates are their own treas. throughout Fl. And being shirtless, if you are a woman, I'm sure you are impressed,I just turned 51. If elected,I will revolutionize fl. state politics..have a good one...walshie4staterep
Glad your 51 year old chest is working out for you Dan
How could you refuse a salary what do you do for a living how come you don't need it?
Janet, this is not about money. This is about passion. Dont you realize what is going on out there? Please read my blog, and try to understand what I am saying. There are dangerous people who are destroying our civil liberties, and are already entrenched in the system. These people need to be exposed.Put it simply, I retired at 40, left my guard down, took things for granted like most people, and now, I'm just about broke. So what! It's no big deal. The Big Deal is, at 51, I could still play a hard game of basketball with the young people, and wake up the next day. Get my drift? Also, in New Mexico they dont receive a salary other than when they are in session, which is minimal. I know the economy oh so well, and what is going on is greed, selfishness, self-centerness, lack of spirituality, you name it, nows the time for sacrifice, and its not only going to be me, watch what happens after the elections. People will have no choice...have a good one walshie
The only reason I asked is if u r just about broke & don't take a salary u r open to bribes. Or r u going to live off the lawsuit moneys... U R not a public figure and an unknown and no campaignining,, to be honest not much known of your charachter and you dissed your own wife in your bio...is there ulterior motive to running for office U wouldn't be the first, no disrespect just curious
Janet Dear, you're tough.The only bribe I would accept is from my wife, and it better have love involved. As for campaigning, obviously, you were not at any of forums I have attended. You would of been enlightened at the BCH's Chamber forum. I explained where the economy was headed, and what is really going on in the financial system, something I warned people about on the radio and other forums back in April. When it comes to the economy, I know my stuff. As for the lawsuits, this is over principle, not money, because I am after the abusers of the system, wait until you see who's next in line? Of course I am public figure, and for 20 yrs here at the BCH. Go to any basketball court on the beaches, if you play, ask them who I am, I bet they know me. In fact, yrs ago I took 10-15 ballers to a Jax Bch council meeting to erect new courts for us..2 months later new courts. Myself and several people helped turn the blighted area of Jax Bch into what it is today, ever hear of Lynch's Irish Pub (poor Dez, a good Man). How about the Jazzercise Center? The other business were still catering to the Metal Heads, talk about vision. I was also instrumental in getting Mayor Latham and several councilmen elected back then. I was 1 of the original members of the beaches businss assoc. Ever hear of Tillie Fowler. I brought Tillie in for a town meeting when Lynch's first opened up. As for character, I was brought up on the Ten Commandments, and obeyed them my whole life. I do have defects, like you, but they are minor, but I do need to work on them. And my Motives. Read my blog 1 more time please, but this time try to focus and fully understand what I am saying, then you will understand what my motives are. You take care, and write again..walshie
Thanks for all that info however All I want to know is how do you support yourself if u r almost broke and your job is professional student ?
Something is suspicious if you won't answer that. Most people have a job history. Even my 20 year old
Also question #2 please state your plan or steps that "will revolutionize fl. state politics" something concrete what will you do 1st
Janet honey, again your not reading my blog. I retired at 40, and lost almost everthing at 50. Like I said, I left my guard down. Right now I'm living off the land, and going through dumpsters up the road.You'd be surprised what you can use in those things. I am not a professional student,what ever that is? As for my game plan for political office,that will come out very soon. After all,when someone like you uses words like bribes and suspicious, it tells me something about you. You might be KGB ? Have a good day..walshie
I am an undecided voter who has been following your blog with interest. My observations? You speak only in generalities and your tone is often condescending. I wondered also what your career history was but you have yet to name it. Doctor, lawyer, bricklayer? Ever work as a professional in a trade or industry? Ever work for a Company (that you could name and we would recognize that name i.e., CSX, Maxwell House, or even KGB)? I think what my friend Janet was getting at IMHO is what did you do for a living and if you are in poverty and dumpster diving for a living why is it you won't accept an honorable salary if elected? A day's pay for a day's work? I don't think I would want my state rep foraging the trash in Tallahassee for food to eat! I'm also considering if this is how a man provides for those closest to him, why should your constituents expect any better? I'll have to vote for one of the other candidates since this seems to all be a game in semantics for you--stick with what you know best--basketball--you're out of your league here, I'm afraid. (PS check out BEAM for food --don't let your children go hungry)
Please continue looking at my blog. New info very soon to help you understand what is really going on with the economy. As for the dumpster, perhaps if we all had to survive even 1 day out of dumpster, we would appreciate and not take for granted the good life we have. Ever been to the Hood? Those people sacrifice and try to survive everyday. I don't take anything for granted, and have no problem helping those who are less fortunate than you and I. I also play soccer, not only basketball.Check out New Mexico and several other states, and see what kind of salary's they bring in as State Legislatures. Like I said, L and L (listen and Learn). It's my "Duty" to run for public office, especially in a time of crises. How are you going to help? Have a good day..walshie
Oh my god, this guy is bonkers!
My feeling is, you don't believe in God..and we will see who gets bonked, when the economy drags you to your knees. I warned people months ago, the worst is yet to come...I'll pray for you..walshie
Did you know you can photoshop photo # 1 to delete your man boobs
You look very very tiny in photo 3 are you a midget(not that there's anything wrong with that)?
My next political photo will show you who I really am. I plan on just wearing a shirt while dunking, this way you will have an "exceptional" perspective of of what you see in the picture, and will put your last comment to rest..I hope?
Rene--quit shouting--don't you realize he lost ? The election was held November 2, 2008.
Rene, keep the faith. The election was Nov. 4th, not the 2nd. That person is a total Moron.
Whatever the date, he still lost LOL
This guys been right on! In July he talked about where the economy is headed. And he didn't want a salary. I think Mr. Walsh should of been elected.
Do you know guys what he does for a living ? May want to check...
just found this blog. what's up?
I've relocated to FL from Va. Living in St. Pete -wondering "how" to get back into real estate - there is just so much opportunity here - especially in the Gulfport area. catch up with me on Facebook?
Marsha Maines
Marsha..I know I can be a visionary at times...but why ask me about realestate..when there are thousands of other morons out there..I will give you a little advice... if you have cash..start converting into canadian or australian dollars..you will thank me this time next yr have a good 1
Since I'm here..check this out..when I get back to Fla. guess who's next..3 months in Penna...and my homework is complete..
I find it interesting how in the photo of you dunking, the hoop and net cast a shadow, however you do not. Awesome!
Oh and check out the poor alignment of the lines on the back court and the bottom of the fence between his feet. You preach truth and flaunt a lie in our face. Disgraceful. I've seen a better PhotoShops from third graders.
Jacksonville Attorney Diane Paull is now being investigated by the Florida Attorney General. Yes, this Dirty Lawyer was caught on tape lying in a court of law. Be careful..she has the tongue of a serpent..and has swindled many families..but soon her days as a Dirty Lawyer will be over. But we want more..retribution to those who have suffered the pain from this Dirty Lawyer..she doesn't know it but her time is short..it's in the Book..
The system must be cleansed of the corrupt and bad elements in society to move forward..here's a start..
Jacksonville Attorney Diane L Paull
Mr. Walsh is not telling the truth. I have not responded to his silly tirades because someone with his troubled mind will only enjoy it. But these statements are simply and totally false.
There are some Bad Apples in the legal system... this one happens to be Rotten..and will be brought up in my upcoming campaign..unless of course someone makes a good bid on ebay for some rare documents..
Hiding behind a blog and an anonymous posting. Chicken and too afraid to face the truth
Oh DPLAW! You should talk about being chicken and hiding.
Anonymous who?! Too embarassed to use your real name?!
The Dirty Lawyer's At It Again...Wait Til The Media Gets A Hold Of This..
My comment on WJCT radio pertaining to Florida Governor Scott's veto of Permanent Alimony
and my Interview in 2010 on Dan Rather World News Tonight pertaining to the pitfalls of alimony
Time to dismantle the Racketeering Enterprise...
For all you young lawyers.. this educational tool will help you prepare for what you "should not" do as you pursue a career in law...
Why we need alimony reform. My interview on Dan Rather World News Tonight.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A2RIQHz0qw
This is all one needs to know... https://divorcecorp.wikispaces.com/file/view/Florida+Fifth+District+Court+of+Appeal+and+Racketeering.pdf
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